The communication of ideas is essential. Whether building on terms previously heard, discussing ideas with peers, or labelling experiences, language plays a vital role in understanding new concepts. Kaplan, et al. (2009) suggest that statistical words with everyday counterparts can endorse incorrect assumptions about statistical concepts. For example, the following is a Tweet calling for “random” facts:
What’s the most random fact you know?
— brittany packnett cunningham ain’t here for real. (@MsPackyetti) January 28, 2020
I mean RANDOM random.
Some of the more interesting replies include:
See some discussion examples!
The use of “random” here refers to something being unusual or surprising. With this in mind, it is then understandable that someone might deem a patterned sequence of heads and tails as being not random – HTHTH appears to be neither unusual nor surprising. The term random is homonymous – it holds more than one meaning or definition or use (Kaplan et al., 2009). There are a few cases of this in statistics (as well as other fields, too); average, margin, mean, and normal are some examples.
This site has been created as part of my PhD thesis on perceptions of randomness. I am always keen for feedback, so please email me any thoughts you have via Thank you to my supervisors, Dr. Stephanie Budgett and Dr. Rhys Jones, for their guidance throughout my project. I would also like to thank Anna Fergusson for her help inspiring and creating this website. You can find the references for this site here.